Hey there Priscilla

It's absolutely with awe and gratitude that I am announcing 15 years of Blazing Trails - and I couldn't have done it without you!

Reflecting on the journey of the past fifteen years, I find myself humbled, grateful, and somewhat amazed at the milestones I've achieved. I'm sure you can relate to that feeling at times. It's surreal to consider that fifteen years ago, I experienced both one of my worst days and one of the best days of my life within the same week. What stands out to me is the pivotal decision I made to dedicate my time to supporting blue-collared businesses in their journey toward profitability, success, and sustainability – a decision that I now recognize as one of the best I've ever made. Serving this community has not only brought me immense joy but also a deep sense of satisfaction. Like all businesses, Blazing Trails underwent a process of evolution, focus, and growth, and despite the challenges of hard work and dedication, every drop of sweat and tear shed has been undeniably worthwhile.

I am looking forward to celebrating with you - and we have TWO opportunities this week!  

One of my favorite industry groups is getting together on Thursday, January 18th for networking, education, and food & drink from 5-7 PM at Cowbell, 185 US Rt 1, Scarborough, ME 04074

and on Friday, January 19th, I am throwing myself a party - same location, Cowbell in Scarborough from 7 pm-10 pm - come by for karaoke, drinks, and fun!  

I realize this message may be reaching folks from out of the state, and if that is you, no worries, there are several more events and activities planned throughout the year, both in person and online.  

With the utmost gratitude - 
Priscilla Hansen Mahoney
Business Coach for Contractors

Here's some NEWS you can USE:



01.18.24 - 5PM-7PM - Builders, Beer & Business - HBRAME Meetup

01.24.24 - Grow Maine Green Expo (hosted by Maine Landscaping and Nursery Association - MELNA)

01.24.24 - 5PM-7PM - The Institute for Family-Owned Business Holiday Party



01.18.24 - 7:30-9:00 - Maine's Retirement Investment Trust - MERIT.  If you have more than 5 employees - come to learn how this affects you!

01.24.24 - 8:30-10:30 *on zoom*  - Complete Business Renovation with AGC Maine and Blazing Trails Coaching



Should I raise my rates?



HBRAME & Blazing Trails Coaching Advisory Groups - application - kick-off date coming soon!

Institute for Family Owned Business Next Gen Affinity Groups - Open enrollment