Happy New Year Priscilla,

Well, 2020 ... THAT didn't go as planned, now did it?

Or... did it?

Do you choose a "word of the year?" Ya, I got suckered into doing that too... and for the most part, I've really enjoyed the process of thinking about one word that encapsulates my intention for the upcoming year... until 2020. You see, the word I chose for 2020 was VISIBLE. Ya. Ironic huh? In a year that brought a pandemic, shut-downs, mask-wearing, and social distancing - my goal was to become more visible.

I recall Oprah saying something to the effect of "I used to ask God for strength, and he kept finding ways to strengthen me - so now I just ask for more wisdom" ... I can relate.

Trying to find the highlights of 2020 almost seems like looking for a silver lining in a mud puddle... but upon further reflection, I was able to come up with a few ...

Some of the top highlights of 2020 were:

Leading the Institute for Family-Owned Businesses Next-Gen Senior Affinity group. When I say this was a highlight - I mean it. These young professionals brought so much energy to our sessions as they dove into aggressive goals to uplevel leadership, communication, and employee engagement in their organizations. The way they led their businesses through this pandemic was inspiring and uplifting. It was a joy for me to facilitate their discussions.  *are you a Leader in a Family Owned Business? - Check out the Institute of Family Owned Business for information*

Handing the baton of leadership to the next President of the Association for Consulting Expertise. June of 2020 marked the end of my two-year tenure as President of ACE. I am really proud of what the board accomplished - even when challenged with transitioning all of our programs online. I am proud to continue to serve as a member of the board, and I am grateful for the professional relationships I have established through this organization.  *are you a coach, consultant, or a leader of a service-based business?  Check out ACE for its membership benefits*

I have strengthened my professional relationships - even in the middle of a pandemic. COVID-19 has changed the way we lead and do business. I am grateful I have been able to deepen and strengthen my professional relationships (Thank goodness for Zoom!) and I am embracing this new way of showing up and serving.

Spending time with my husband and our dogs. While there are better ways to get time off (my husband is an event DJ - and his entire industry came to a screeching halt) ... I have to say I really enjoyed spending time doing household projects and doing things that in the 12 years we've been together, we've never had time to do. We built a fence for the backyard, a raised bed garden, and we went kayaking, camping, and hiking. We lost our Lexi girl (dog) in September, and while her passing hit us hard, it was bittersweet to think of the "extra" time we got to spend with her because our 2020 professional goals were on hold.

I showed up... even when it was hard.  Let's face it - 2020 had ALL the feels.  As much as I love working with my clients (they energize me, keep me motivated, and keep me grounded to my mission) - sometimes it was hard to show up in a virtual space.  As much as I love my network of friends and family, sometimes it was hard to be "present" while staring at a screen.  Sometimes it was hard... but I showed up.  I am embracing that as a 2020 win. 

How about you? Do you have any silver linings in your 2020 mud-puddle? Please don't feel you SHOULD have a list of accomplishments - for crying out loud, surviving a pandemic is ENOUGH. Professional goals got sidelined for single-focused survival challenges - whether that was learning to function from your home office, getting your kids settled in their virtual classrooms, putting on PPE, dealing with fear, grief, loss, financial worries, or adapting to a world that looks drastically different than it did when the ball dropped on 12/31/19.

But if there are a few shimmers of sunny moments - be sure you capture them, celebrate them, and pat yourself on the back for getting through one of the toughest years in recent history. You did it. We did it.

So, what is my word for 2021? I'll reveal that to you next week. If you have chosen a word, a theme, a mantra, or anything that feels right for 2021 - please share! 

Until next week, and I say this with gratitude, relief, and release:
