Hey there Priscilla,

I am sure you may be scratching your head thinking "What in tarnation is this BUSINESS COACH talking about?? Don't make goals??? What??? Is she off her tree?!?!"

OK, let me finish... Don't bother setting 2021 goals UNTIL you've identified your personal and professional CORE VALUES.  Don't worry - I've got you covered with another freebie (actually several free resources!) - read on!

Here's why:

"If your goals are not aligned with your governing (core) values, you may accomplish a great deal, but you will never achieve inner peace." Hyrum W. Smith

The process of setting goals can be exciting. We are enthralled chasing the newest shiny object and titillated thinking about "what could be... ", but in reality, motivation is fleeting. In the face of action ( you know, the special sauce that actually helps us achieve our goals), it's easy to blow off our to-do list, rather than dig our heels in and get it done. In moments like this, it's important to remind ourselves of not only WHY we want to achieve our goals, but WHO we are when we are working toward them.

Values are what guide us and give us direction. Without carefully considering our values, vetting them, and defining them, we leave it up to our subconscious mind to anchor us to what matters most. Sometimes we get it right, but very often, we get it wrong (that subconscious mind is crafty and likes to trick us) - and when our goals are not anchored to our values we can feel lost and adrift.

How to align your goals to your core values:

1) Establish Your Core Values (dedicate some time towards this - it's important!)

2) Determine your Mission - What makes you jump out of bed every morning excited to do what you are doing?

3) Identify goals that support your mission. Determine who helps you achieve these goals. (Goals and Roles)

4) Create targeted action items that will help you achieve these goals.

5) Communicate your core values - on your website, in your workplace, in your culture, with your actions. Talk about your core values often. Demonstrate them in your work, and train your employees on how to uphold the company core values while performing their job duties and responsibilities.

Ta-DA! It's that simple! There ya go!

What? Need more detail? Don't worry - I've got you covered in this month's blog post. Catch up with me there to get detailed instructions about each step. Don't forget, you can always schedule a chat with me if you want a partner to help you in this process.

I've been supporting business owners and professionals in achieving their goals for over 12 years, and I can say, the process of defining your core values for goal achievement works. Skipping this step, quite honestly, is the number one reason people fall short of their target. There is no substitute for having a fire in your belly and passion in your soul. So don't set any more goals until you identify what lights you up - and you will light up the world!

Download a free identifying your core values worksheet here!

Hope you have a great week!  
PS - I have an awesome 2021 Calendar gift for you next week - stay tuned!

Priscilla Hansen Mahoney
Business Management Coach