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Hey there Priscilla,

Good golly Miss Molly, for the last few weeks I have been in a FUNK. I mean, a cranky, angry, moody FUNK.... I could go on and list out all the reasons I have felt this way - but why stink up your inbox too - know what I mean?

But here's the deal - at the end of the day, I'm a business owner. People count on me. My clients, my vendors, my associates, my colleagues - everyone I promise deliverables to count on me to get out of bed, get out of my head, and provide them the top-notch service they deserve. And so I do. And I know that you do too.... because that's who we are. We are TrailBlazers.

Last week I emailed out a checklist and guide of routines I've established as a business owner. (IF you are new to my list or misplaced the email, hit me up, I'll send it out to you too) ... It's times when I'm in a funk I lean heavily on my systems to get me to the other side. Not to mention, sitting down and not having to think about what I need to do next takes so much pressure off my brain. I'm never in a creative spirit when I have my cranky pants on. The bright side is, because of my systems, I'm able to be productive even when I feel like pulling the covers over my head - and that productivity sparks something called inertia... and I start to feel uplifted with each checkmark I make on my task list.

Today, if you are feeling funky - it's ok.. Tis the Season, and there is a lot of crapola happening around us to make us feel a little heavy. Give yourself some Grace, and right now - yes, do it NOW ... take out a pen and circle a date on your calendar when you are going to de-funk. On that day, make sure your clothes are laid out, your task list is updated, and you give yourself a tiny baby step (an easy win) to start to lift yourself up. Until then, hunker down on the sofa with your favorite quilt, a hot bevvy, and Netflix away!

And if this email is reaching you and you are feeling on top of the world - WOO HOO! That's awesome! Ride that wave! But do yourself a favor - write yourself a little list of steps you will take next time you are in that funky place and tuck it away for the next time you need it. Because hey - FUNK HAPPENS.

And, on a very serious note... if you have been feeling funky for a little too long, please reach out. I may not be the professional to get you through it, but I will make sure you get past it. One step at a time my friend.
