Hey there Priscilla,

I'm doing one of those annoying "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret" emails... Yup. I'm going there. I actually had a different message ready to go out to you today, but after chatting with a client, I've decided to save that for next week and shoot this message out to you instead. It's short, it's sweet, and it just might be that game-changer that helps you refocus your weekly priorities. (I told you I like giving away free goodies!!)

A few weeks ago, I shared a tool with my client, and he has started using it.  He prints it, fills it out with a pen (#oldskool), and keeps it in front of him all week. At the end of the week, he completes the Weekly Field Notes Review, and we celebrate his wins. He reported back today that he feels more focused, less hectic, and is taming the chaos that tends to get the better of him. Here's to calmer, more productive workweeks - YAY!

I can't emphasize enough the importance of daily and weekly focus sessions. Carving time to visualize, plan and direct your energy, time and resources is invaluable. There's a Zen proverb that says - "if you don't have time to meditate for an hour a day, you should meditate for two." The same goes for planning. After all, if I dropped you in the middle of the woods with a map and compass, and gave you the coordinates to base camp (where I'd be sitting by the fire with a frosty cold beverage), would you never look at your map and compass? Or would you only look at it once on your trek, fold it in your pocket, and never look at it again? No, of course not. Hopefully (if you didn't want to get miserably lost in the deep backwoods of Maine) you would refer to your map often. The same goes with your daily, weekly, and long term goals - the more time you spend planning your goals, the smoother the execution.  

My client inspired me today to share this tool with you! Click here to download the Week in Review form- and please update me on your progress in using it!

Want help mapping out your goals for the next 90 days so you can CRUSH this Quarter? Schedule Crush the Quarter Strategy Session Today!

Hope you have a great week! Let me know how the Week in Review form helps you! 
