Hello Priscilla, 

That's a wrap!  For the remainder of the year, the office at Blazing Trails Coaching will be closed so we can take a well-deserved Holiday.  (Yes, when I say "we", I mean Me, Myself, my hubs, and the dogs). 
I say this every year, but this year hits even more - I am so blessed to be working with the people I have the honor of calling clients and colleagues.   This year, Blazing Trails Coaching was able to train more leaders, work with more business owners, and create more change than any year before.
Through Blazing Trails coaching and key partners, we:
  • Worked with 10 businesses on developing and defining their vision, mission, core values, operating systems, processes, messaging, and partnerships.
  • Coached dozens of crew leaders, operations managers, and new leaders on strengthening leadership skills and confidence.
  • Trained over 50 employees in areas of communication, leadership, and performance
  • Facilitated 2 Next Gen Affinity groups for new leaders of Family Owned Businesses
  • Partnered with 3 organizations whose missions are to aid business owners in business development, skill development, and leadership development
  • Spent over 300 hours coaching, training, and leveling businesses and their leaders.
  • led several online and in-person workshops teaching business owners how to use tools and resources such as the Business Model Canvas and Customer Journey.
Because of their efforts, and investment in time, energy, and resources, my clients have reported an average of 28% growth in revenues, increases of 8-12% in profitability, higher retention rates, a more engaged workforce, and the ability to shift their businesses to the next level including promoting new leaders and succession.  Prosperity and sustainability in the trades industries are alive and well! 
So what's in store for 2023?  I'm excited to share that with you soon, but here's a preview:
  • My client website (Coaches Console) just went through a major upgrade which means more services for my clients!

  • I am joining the Associated General Contractors of Maine (AGC) which means working on more workforce development projects!

  • The Association for Consulting Expertise (ACE) is hosting the ACE Consultants Academy - an opportunity to educate and develop more quality colleagues in my industry
  • I've been asked to present an employee development program for MELNA's educational conference in February (stay tuned for details!)

How about you? What exciting projects are you looking forward to in the New Year?  I look forward to celebrating your success!

Happy New Year!

Priscilla Hansen Mahoney
Business Coach for Contractors
Blazing Trails Coaching